Members are encouraged to bring forward issues of concern or interest through our Committees.
If you are interested in becoming a Voting Member on one of our standing committees, you are invited to put forward your name to the Chair of the committee for consideration and appointment by the Board of Directors.
All members of the Chamber are welcome to attend committee meetings to remain informed or to provide input; however, in order to vote, a Board appointment is required.

Agriculture Committee
The Agriculture Committee works to identify, analyze, and discuss issues of importance to build, promote, and protect our local agriculture sector. They make recommendations to the Board on issues that require a policy position or other action by the Chamber. They conduct one annual event to promote the Agriculture sector in Abbotsford.
One of their key annual events is the Agriculture Bus Tour which happens in late spring.

Not-For-Profit Committee
The not-for-profit committee works to highlight the economic impact of the non-profit sector and connect it with Abbotsford’s wider business community.
Comprised of not-for-profit leaders from across the community, this committee works to amplify the employment, community, and economic contributions that these organizations make.

Government Affairs Committee
The Government Affairs identify, analyze, and discuss current government and policy issues affecting the Abbotsford Business Community. They make recommendations to the Board on issues that require a policy position or other action by the Chamber and receive presentations on issues affecting the business community.
They also conduct All Candidates Meetings for Municipal Council and Mayoralty elections, Provincial MLA elections, and Federal MP elections.